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Not let yourself regret things
11 juillet 2013

Doping agency contacts cyclist Ullrich

Doping agency contacts cyclist Ullrich
Germany's National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) said on Wednesday it has contacted former Tour de France winner Jan Ullrich in the wake of last month's doping confession to find out more details. In an interview with German magazine Focus, Ullrich, 39, who...
21 janvier 2015

Wild Turkeys: Three Fresh Ways to Cook Your Thanksgiving Bird

Wild Turkeys: Three Fresh Ways to Cook Your Thanksgiving Bird
M aybe you've already deep-fried turkey. Or stuffed it with a couple other poultry cousins. Exhilarating the first time, no doubt. And then a little humdrum. Preparing a Thanksgiving turkey should be an adventure. Three chefs show us how to go daredevil...
12 février 2015

White Peach Crisp with Cardamom and Orange Blossom Water

White Peach Crisp with Cardamom and Orange Blossom Water
We welcomed summer with a picnic in the park marked with cheap Prosecco and homemade sourdough and stinky cheese, cute babies on blankets, a game of wiffle ball, and everyone dashing home just before the thunderclouds broke. My cooking recently has been...
27 mars 2013

Pokie machines 'tax on stupid': Sir Bob

Pokie machines 'tax on stupid': Sir Bob
Property magnate Sir Bob Jones doesn't want pokie machines in his buildings because they are a "tax on the stupid".More national news Property magnate Sir Bob Jones doesn't want pokie machines in his buildings because they are a "tax on the stupid". Sir...
3 juillet 2013

No smoking for inmates despite decision

No smoking for inmates despite decision
Prison bosses will ignore a High Court ruling that prisoners should be allowed to smoke, saying all jails will remain smoke-free. On Wednesday, the High Court agreed for a second time with serial litigant and inmate Arthur Taylor that a ban on smoking...
21 février 2014

Tomato Salad 2

I’ve been talking about tomatoes – tomatoes and the media, my funny/strange ways with tomatoes, and a series of tomato salads that keep these fruit in the spotlight (and away from my greens!). And why not? It’s been quite warm of late (typhoons then this...
3 décembre 2012


當前世的鐘聲敲開塵世的大門,你是否聽到了黃泉路上誰在用生命呐喊,用靈魂啼哭,那樣的呐喊深入骨髓,那樣的哭泣令人絕望,只因前世的殤痛徹心扉,那種疼痛,撕心裂肺,體會一次就夠! 你可曾記得,前世奈何橋前,你我兩兩相望,無語淚先行,千言萬語都融為一個眼神。 你可曾記得,桃花林裏,你我比翼齊肩,看花開時的繁華,看花謝時的落寞,看花落時的芬芳,看花 滅時的落敗,可曾記得當時心裏的seo google溫暖與悲涼。 你可曾記得,江南細雨中,我不遠千裏,紅塵僕僕只為赴你之約,彼此深情凝望,一眼萬年。 你可曾記得,微微墨香前,你執筆,我研磨,秉燭夜談,共訴情腸。...
24 septembre 2012


“經過十年的改革,經營性出版單位基本完成了轉企改制任務,但是內部經營管理機制還不完善,現代企業製度還沒完全建立起來,活力沒有完全激發出來。因此,我們要啟動第二步改革。” 23日在北京舉行的2012年出版傳媒(601999)集團主要負責人座談會上,新聞出版總署署長柳斌杰作出上述表示。 柳斌杰說,我們要迅速啟動第二步改革。在完成轉企改制的基礎上,以“三改一加強”為重點,繼續深化新聞出版體制改革,加快建立完善的現代企業製度,繼續打造和培育一批國內一流、國際知名的大型出版傳媒集團。 據柳斌杰介紹,截至目前,包括印刷、發行出版在內的經營性新聞出版單位轉企改制的任務基本完成,新型市場主體地位初步確立,完成了第一階段的改革任務。全國先後組建了120多家各類出版集團,並有49家企業在海內外上市。...
13 novembre 2012


我又來到海濱了,又親吻著海的蔚藍色beautifulhair。 這是北方的海岸,煙臺山迷人的夏天。我坐在花間的岩石上,貪婪地讀著滄海-- 展示在天與地之間的書籍,遠古與今天的啟示錄,我心中不朽的大自然的經典genevieve。 帶著千裏奔波的饑渴,帶著漫長歲月久久的思慕的饑渴,我讀著浪花,讀著波光,讀者迷蒙的煙濤,讀著從天外滾滾而來的文字,發出雷一樣響聲的白色的標點。我暢開胸襟,呼吸著海香很濃的風,開始領略書本裏洶湧的內容,澎湃的情思,偉大而深邃的哲理marguerite。 打開海藍色的封面,我進入了書中的境界。隱約地,我聽到太陽清脆的鈴聲,海底朦朧的音樂。樂聲中,我眼前出現了神奇的海景,我看到了安徒生童話裏天鵝潔白的舞姿,看到羅馬大將安東尼和埃及女王克莉奧特佩拉在海戰中愛與恨交融的戲劇,看到靈魂複蘇的精衛鳥化作大群的銀鷗在尋找當年投入海中的樹枝。看到徐悲鴻的馬群在這藍色的大草原上仰天長嘯。看到舒伯特的琴鍵象星星在浪尖上跳動.........
3 octobre 2012


渣打銀行(Standard Chartered)或許會倒霉,但肯定不會出局。這家銀行行看上去遇到了大麻煩,美國監管機構正在調查它同伊朗伊斯蘭共和國的業務往來,但它的所作所為絕不是個別現象。很多大型的國際銀行都已經和伊朗建立了業務往來,違反了美國的製裁條例——其中大多數也為此支付了高額罰金。 這或許就是因為這個原因,週一紐約州監管機構嚴懲渣打銀行後,雖然近兩天渣打股價遭受重擊,但倫敦城的高級銀行家和投資組合經理們似乎並不怎麼擔心。有報導稱渣打銀行可能失去在紐約州經營和交易的牌照,此類說法也一概被視為“不經之談”。...
5 novembre 2012


在全球貿易保護大潮中,中國輪胎業正舉步維燈箱照明。 歐美最先舉起貿易大棒。9 月 26 日,美國對中國輪胎 “ 特保案 ” 到期,中國輪胎企業還沒松一口氣, 11 月,歐盟輪胎標簽法規將強制實行,不達標者無法進入歐盟市場銷售。對此,不少中國輪胎企業及在華設廠的跨國輪胎公司表示,未來輪胎業將進入技術升級戰,那些不具備研發能力的企業或將越來越被動戶外廣告的作用。 歐盟推出的綠色輪胎“ 革命 ” ,雖然可能將全球綠色輪胎市場份額增長 15% ,但極可能讓中國輪胎出口增長再次變 “ 綠 ” 。 “歐盟此舉,表面上推行輪胎節能環保,實際意在阻止海外輪胎企業出口至歐盟廣告製作專業術語。...
16 novembre 2012


1、 財富:金錢可以買來一定程度的幸福,也可以買來社會地位。可一旦吃穿住的問題解決了,你多賺的每一元錢的意義就會越來越小。 2、 欲望:欲望是幸福的敵人,所以知足者常樂。調查表明,不與別人比高低所帶來的幸福是高收入所帶來的幸福的5倍。 3、 才智:才智對幸福的支持很有限。研究證實,比較聰明的人往往有較高的欲望,不能取得更高的成就,欲望就滿足不了。另外,智商高,並不等於有能力處理好人際關系。 4、 遺傳:幸福在某種程度上是與生俱來的。人類“幸福感知點”的敏感程度有90%是由基因決定的,同時也取決於父母的正確見識、判斷力以及良好的訓練和教育。...
9 mars 2013

"Cereal Sand Art" Craft for Kids!

Over these last two weeks I have really been on a cereal crafting kick. You may have seen the last cereal craft post I wrote titled “Easy Cereal Craft for Toddlers” where I showed how I made necklaces and bracelets using Tootie Fruities (store brand of...
12 juillet 2014

Gulf Coast Seafood

I started blogging ten years ago and since then, everything has changed. Blogging has changed, my career has changed, my shopping glass teapot set, cooking and eating have all changed. Hands down, the best thing about blogging is not the food, but the...
31 décembre 2013

Endless love

Wind, if not a distant echo, the diarrhea shop in the indistinct Milky way in, will not walk in the dark mottled moonlight. Yes, it is a Xingxi night, the galaxy is so fleeting, a pigment, full window thinking; cannot bear the weight of the fundus of...
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Not let yourself regret things